maandag 27 december 2010

I miss you

I wish there was a spell who could ,make you forget everything you want to forget
A spell who would take all the hurt away and all the painful things you would like to forget
If I had that spell I could make me forget you died
I could just say to myself you went on a trip to Canada again where you would by a new dog
but this time you wouldn’t go back you would stay there find a beautiful man
who would give you everything you deserve
And I would tell myself to come visit you
and I would think about  you and how lucky you are to live the life you deserve and it would feel good.
I wouldn’t have to miss you
I would write you emails and maybe you won’t answer them
But I will think it’s because you’re to busy or maybe you change your address
I would write you a Christmas card wishing you all the luck in the world
And I would be glad you’re happy
But I can’t write you emails
Or Christmas cards
Cause you’re not here anymore..
What kind of birthday will it be in a few months without you here telling us how big we all are
Without you in your little red car
With your stories about your children
You were the best!
And I still miss you

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